Tuesday 23 July 2013

Your Charity needs YOU!

Did you know next year is Little Hearts Matter's 20th Birthday! Yep, that's right, the team at LHM have been providing services for young people with Single Ventricle Heart Disease since 1994! Back at headquarters we are very excited and are busy coming up with all sorts of exciting things for the Charity to do next year.


We know you all have lots of time now you are broken up from school so we want you to get your thinking caps on and come up with ways we can CELEBRATE, raise AWARENESS of children and young adults with SVHD and FUNDRAISE - for money much needed for LHM to keep providing you with the services we do already and for new ones in the future.

Email any ideas, little or large, to info@lhm.org.uk - look forward to hearing from you!

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