Friday 16 May 2014

Feel Good Friday - Special Edition!

This Feel Good Friday is a little something different, to mark the fact that we're coming to the end of Children's Heart Week. We've collected some of the wonderful little hearts moments that our young members have shared about their heart journey! Rachel talks about her sister, Sophie, who has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). Evie has HLHS too and talks about her life with the condition, and Carys who also has HLHS has shared some brilliant pictures of her heart journey.

Rachel's Little Hearts Moment

Sophie is my role model. Before she was born, Sophie was diagnosed with a very serious heart problem called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (what a mouthful!). In short, Sophie has half a heart. 
By the time Sophie went to school, she had completed three stages of open heart surgery. As she got older, she got stronger and today she seems just like everybody else- happy, bubbly and full of energy. 
But having half a heart has its struggles. Sophie is part of the first generation in the UK to survive- parents and families just like ours are faced with a unique set of challenges and an uncertain future.This is where Little Hearts Matter comes in. Little Hearts Matter is a UK run charity, and a gift to families like mine. They offer ongoing support, allow families to access the latest information, and give Sophie the opportunity to meet other children with her condition. Without them, we would be lost. 

Evie's Little Hearts Moment

When I was born, I was very ill and was diagnosed with a life-threatening heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. In other words, I only had and still have half a working heart. 
After three lots of open heart surgery before I was four, I began to grow like a normal baby and with the care and support of my brilliant Mum & Dad, I have been able to enjoy most things that children do as they grow up.
However, what has made it more bearable is the support, love and advice that Little Hearts Matter has provided me and my family.
Little Hearts Matter is a UK run charity, small yet perfectly formed, and offers ongoing support to families like my own, holds their hands as their children go through surgery and then begin to thrive, as well as provides all important information to help them make the best decisions. However, more importantly Little Hearts Matter has given me the opportunity to meet and become special friends with people facing the exact same challenges I face. Without them, I'd live in a very lonely place.

Carys's Little Hearts Moment

Photo: 'a picture that sums up your heart journey' #littleheartsmoment #chdawareness
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So, that's a few Little Hearts Moments that some of our young members have shared with us! Make sure to share your story and use #littleheartsmoment!

If you'd like to support Little Hearts Matter, you can donate by texting LHMO14 £2 (or the amount you wish to donate) to 70070.

Remember, half a heart - not half a life.

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