Wednesday 18 June 2014

Hannah's Story

Hannah is one of our youth council members, as well as the first young trustee member with a heart condition for Little Hearts Matter. Here's a bit of her story:
When I was born, actually about 6 hours after, I was diagnosed with having Half a Heart. There is a list as long as your arm but I won't bore you.This is me at 15 months old, just after my first major open heart surgery. 
I was lucky that my array of conditions balanced my condition out for a lot longer than most children born with Half A Heart. But it was a very trying time for my mum and dad, and I'm really not sure how they got through the first few months to be honest. This is me at my second op when I was 9.
When we became members of Little Hearts Matter, everything became a lot more bearable and for the first time I met kids with the same condition as me and mum and dad could speak to parents with similar problems.
This charity has basically helped me become who I am today, yet many people are still not aware of Congenital Heart Disease and the life time effects.
Half a Heart, Not Half a Life!!!!

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