Wednesday 4 June 2014

We Got Mail!

So I (Laura) always love to get mail (messages, pictures, jokes... anything!) from the young members of Little Hearts Matter because it really brightens up my day :) I always put a little note in the youth newsletter to ask people to get in touch because I love hearing from them. After the most recent newsletter came out, I had a great message and photo from one of our young members called Mia. This is what she had to say:

Hi, Laura! My name is Mia, and I have just got the LHM newsletter today, and I decided to write to you........and I can't ride a bike either!
Anyway, I was just writing to you about my Operation. I am the only person in my school who has half a heart, but my best friend understands me though. I am really lucky that I am still alive!!!! So thank you and everyone at LHM for Everything.

Mia :-)  ♥

Those cupcakes look delicious! I wonder if I'll ever get cupcakes sent to me...

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