Friday 10 October 2014

Feel Good Friday

A special Feel Good Friday today as one of our young members, Sophie (17, HLHS) has written a brilliant blog post for LHM about what it's like having half a heart. (As part of our Handmade Hearts series, LHM’s young members talk about life with half a heart. To learn more about Handmade Hearts, click here.)

Sophie was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, and has written about becoming more independent and setting her own limitations, as well as being stubborn when people try to tell her that she might be able to do things because of her condition. Sophie is hoping to go to University next year and study Psychology. 
"When people say, “Tell us something interesting about yourself”, I often wonder what their reaction would be if I were to say, “I have half a heart”… So, what’s it like living with a handmade heart? For the most part, it’s absolutely fine- I just get on with every- day life, and often forget that there’s something wrong with my heart. The main things I have to keep an eye on, is strenuous activity and the cold.
There are certain times when I feel worried or get upset about my heart. Every so often, there are situations where I may not be able to do something, for example go paintballing with my friends, or get my ears pierced. Although on the grand scheme of things, these are minor things to get upset about, it still hurts. "

Click here to read it in full.

You can help LHM to continue supporting children and young adults with half a heart this October by making your very own #handmadehearts. For more info on how to get involved click hereMake, Bake, Sew and Sell for children with Handmade Hearts. To donate to LHM please text MADE14 followed by a £ and the amount to 70070.

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