Thursday 28 February 2013

How the heart works...

The internet changed everything when it came to publishing. It's now easier than ever to share your thoughts with hundreds, thousands or even millions of people.

This also makes sharing information really easy, which can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Unfortunately, for every great, accurate article out there, someone has written a load of trash that just doesn't make sense, is outdated, or completely incorrect. All of us still have this weird sort of in built respect for anything that is written down, and so sometimes we just accept any old nonsense because someone bothered to write it and publish it.

I think that we all need to be a bit more careful, and make sure that what we're reading is accurate and up to date. Little Hearts Matter just got something called "the information standard", which is only given to websites and organisations who know what they're talking about. You can check out and see all of their information.

I also like the website "how stuff works" because it has lots of interesting articles, is easy to read and it's written by professionals at the discovery channel, so it's fairly trustworthy. I thought that I'd share with you here their article on the human heart, which is excellent. It's important to understand how the heart works so that you can understand how the operations have helped to keep your heart working as well as possible. Anyway, here's the link:

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