Wednesday 12 February 2014

A Big Hello!

Hi everybody, my name's Laura!

I'm taking over from Olivia who's been working as the Youth Lead for Little Hearts Matter for the last 6 months, so this is my new job! Olivia's done an amazing job standing in to make sure that the youth support has kept going, but now she's going back to acting and drama teaching.

I'm really excited to be getting to work at LHM and to build the youth services with the help of the Youth Council.

How about some quick facts about me that you might (probably don't) know

  • I can't ride a bike (like, at all)
  • I'm obsessed with owls (all owls, all the time)
  • I'm really into my video games (I'm an Xbox diehard, sorry not sorry)
  • I'm an explorer scout leader in my spare time (just don't ask me to tie a knot)

Ok, so that's a little bit about me. If you're part of the LHM Youth Council, please drop me an email to introduce yourself!

If you have any ideas about what I can be doing for you or things that you think the charity can do, please get in touch with me

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