Monday 17 February 2014

Positivity Collage

Sometimes when times are tough it can be helpful to try and find ways to keep ourselves going. We're not suggesting that making a collage will make everything better but it can be a reminder to hold in there, or to affirm something important for yourself. Involving yourself in a creative activity can also be very absorbing and take your mind off any worries you might have.

Start off with a base piece of card (any size) and some old magazines. Collect together, arrange and stick on any photos, pictures, words, or quotes that you like, give you a lift or appeal to you. You can also get some inspiration from Google! Once you have created your own collage you could put it on your wall, stick it on the fridge etc as a reminder of something positive for yourself. You could also make a poster or put them in a scrap book.

Idea taken from The Somerville Foundation.

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