Friday 15 August 2014

A and AS Level - Some Advice if You Didn't Get The Results You Wanted

It can be really difficult if you've studied hard for your exams (or even if you didn't study that hard...) and then get results that aren't what you hoped for. There are a lot of emotions that you can feel, and all of them are completely normal. You might feel angry, upset, annoyed, disappointed, helpless and any other range of emotion in between. But whatever you're feeling, that's ok. Just remember that even though you didn't get the results you wanted, the best thing to do is to get right back to it. How can you do that? Well here's some tips:

  • Stay Motivated - If you studied and revised hard, but didn't get the results you hoped for, you're probably going to be feeling a bit demotivated. But don't worry! There are things you can do! Talk to your teachers and your college to see what else they could do for you to help with your studies - maybe there are revision sessions that you can go to, or extra work that you could look. Your teachers and your college WANT you to succeed, so make sure you use them to get you where you want to go! 
  • Revise your Revision - Everyone has a different technique when it comes to revision, but it's always helpful having a few extra ideas to help you out. Check out these tips from the BBC that could help.
  • Re-Sits - Have a look to see if you can do re-sits for any exams, you probably won't be able to do them until next year, but at least you can have another go and be even more prepared.
  • Believe in Yourself - Not achieving something that you hoped for can make you feel really bad, and damage your self-esteem. But it's important to believe in yourself. You already got yourself this far, which is amazing. Everyone struggles at something at some point in their lives - don't let this affect how you feel about yourself. If you're feeling like your self-esteem is really low, check out this advice from TheSite.
  • Don't Beat Yourself Up - This is SO important. Do not beat yourself up. There are so many reasons that can be attributed to you not getting the results you hoped for, so give yourself a break! It may feel like it right now, but it isn't the end of the world.

Finally, remember this really important message - nobody makes it in life without a few mistakes along the way.

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