Monday 18 August 2014

Film Review: #MyStoryTheirStory

One of our young members, Lucy, is also part of the press team for meet@teenheart and went along to the #MyStoryTheirStory premiere down at The British Film Institute at the end of July. She's written a great review about what she thought about the films, and the day in general.

A few weeks ago, I was headed back to London, where I was shown the two new films made by the British Heart Foundation. Here is my review of the day.

We entered the BFI Southbank Cinema. This cinema had a restaurant and seemed to have a lot of historical value, shown by the pictures on the walls, its information service and gift shop. When we entered the theatre, there were photographers and many young heart patients, and representatives from other heart charities. Also, there was someone dressed up as an elephant, greeting everyone at the door. This was clever, it tied into the films we watched, but I won’t spoil it too much!    

We enjoyed the films, and afterwards some of the crew, cast, writers and the direction sat on stage for a question and answer session. They let us in on the whole experience of making a movie. You could tell that there was a lot of work put into these films, and a lot of passion also. It all began 2 years ago when some heart patients were sharing their stories and came up with a script that was interpreted into these films. The actors were cast, some of which were heart patients and some were not. One boy, who was not a heart patient, said that being part of the film helped him learn a lot about heart conditions and how they affect the person’s entire life. It was great to see all the things that the people part of the film had learned along the way, it was a great experience for them to have. Everyone involved made the films as great as they were, and set them approachable for anyone to learn from them. 

After the question and answer session was over, we all joined together in the lobby for some drinks and food. There was also a photo booth for us all to enjoy.

Overall it was a great day, with learning experiences, funny moments and a fantastic time for all. If you would like to see these movies, or become involved with the meet@teenheart events, stay tuned on the YHeart Website-

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