Thursday 14 August 2014

A-Level Results - Congratulations!

We hope that all of our young adult members waiting for exam results today have had the news they were hoping for. 

The LHM Youth Council Chair, Carys, rang the LHM team today to say that she has achieved the A-level results she needed to study medicine. She will be starting her university life in Liverpool in September. Carys will  be able to take her own life experience, living with only half a working heart, into her training to become a doctor. Huge Congratulations Carys.

We also had a great message from young member, Andrew (you may remember him from this great blog piece) who worked hard to get the A-levels he needed to go to Hertfordshire University to study Audio Recording and Production. He told us a bit about what it took to get him to where he is now: "Throughout the exam period, it was very difficult to maintain the balance between working my bum off and not falling asleep in a pile of past papers, calculators and tik taks (best revision fuel ever...) Even though at times, I sucked at getting the balance right by over working sometimes then procrastinating trying to complete 2048 the next. (I did it by the way- it's my greatest achievement to date.) I eventually made it through the exams. Now, 2 months later, having just caught up on sleep, I had a restless night. I wonder why. Oh yeah, some thing called results day... But despite the lack of sleep and a lot of stress, I pulled through and achieved the grades that I needed!"

Andrew also sent us this message, to pass on to other Young Members who have got their results today: To all of you who have achieved what you hoped, well done. And to those who are disappointed, remember this: as much as society tells you that a slip of paper defines you, it doesn't. It's what you do with it that does. You may not get into where you want or move forward in the way that you would have liked, but many more exciting opportunities will open up to you I'm sure, and everyone of you will go on to achieve incredible things! You're awesome - Andrew

Hopefully other Youth members are as happy as Carys was on the phone, and are able to look forward to the future like Andrew. It is such a difficult balance working for exams and managing a complex heart condition.

Did you get your results today too? Let us know how you did by emailing Laura:

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