Wednesday 13 August 2014

A-Level Results

Here at LHM HQ, we're all thinking about our young members who are getting their A-Level results tomorrow. You've all put in a lot of work to get to where you are now, so even though you might be really stressed out at the moment, take a minute to look back at all you've done to get to where you are today. Well done! And remember, low results aren't the end of the world (even though it may seem like it at the time!) The BBC has some great advice:
Low results are worrying and upsetting. But don't panic, there are lots of options open to you. Don't rush into anything - make the right decision for you...
Can I resit some of them?
You can resit your exams next summer. Many people do much better second time around. Before resitting, have an honest chat with your teachers about why your results were low. If they don't think you can improve them it might not be worth resitting. Resitting can also be lonely if all your mates are going on to do other things.
Can I get qualifications without resitting or going to uni?
Yes. BTECs and OCR Nationals are work-related qualifications available in a wide range of subjects. They offer a mix of theory and practice and you can do them with lower grades.
BTECs and OCR Nationals are recognised in many areas of employment and with some of them you can get into university.
Will I be able to get a job?
Yes, but find out if your results will get you the sort of job you want. If not, can you work your way up? If you have the right attitude and personality some employers will offer you training so you can earn money and gain qualifications.
Everyone has to start somewhere - Sir Alan Sugar's first job was selling cigarette lighters!

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