Wednesday 24 September 2014

Diary from another LHM Youth Weekend

One of our young members, Dylan (10, HLHS) wrote this diary for our 10-13s Youth Weekend that he came to in August at PGL Tregoyd.
My first day was mostly spent travelling. We live in Scotland , so it took 3 trains and 7 hours to get to Hereford . From Hereford it was a bus to Hay-on-Wye and then a lift to the PGL centre.
When I arrived I met the other kids and we were shown where we would be sleeping. I didn't know any of the other kids there but we soon all started to get on and played some games and we all watched a film together.

Day 2: when we woke up  we played for a while and then went downstairs for breakfast. I had sausages toast and cereal. After breakfast we went to abseiling and archery. 
Abseiling was fun at the start but going down the slope was a wee bit scary. The archery was great and I really enjoyed it. I had tried archery before so was pretty good at it. 
When we finished archery we went to the canoes. I wasn't so sure about the canoeing and I felt a bit sick as it was quite bumpy. After the canoeing and archery I started  to get to know the other kids and we messed about In our rooms. The other boys were the same age as me so we all got on really well.

Then we had dinner and I had a hot dog.  After dinner we got to buy sweets and then we watched Despicable Me. Then we went to bed and messed about for a while.

Day 3: in the morning I had breakfast, and I was quite tired as we were busy all day and talking at night time so it was good that we  had a fun session where we did puzzles and games. Then we packed our bags and got ready to go home. My mum came and I had to go but the other kids got to stay because they didn't live so far away. I had a great time and hope to go again.

The best bits about my PGL camp was the archery and abseiling and also meeting other kids. I have stayed in touch with a boy I met which is cool and we text each other quite a lot. 

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