Friday 26 September 2014

Feel Good Friday

A special Feel Good Friday today as one of our young members, Ryan (17, TA) has written a brilliant blog post for LHM about what it's like having half a heart. (As part of our Handmade Hearts series, LHM’s young members talk about life with half a heart. To learn more about Handmade Hearts, click here.)

Ryan was born with Tricuspid Atresia in 1997. He now plays in a rock band called Memories of Shadows and has written a blog post for us about the importance of following your dreams, no matter what life throws at you. 


"I’ve found my dream: playing bass guitar in an original hard rock band. When I left school I went to Walsall College to study music performance. On the first day we were there we had to get on the stage and perform Vertigo by U2. I was scared since I’d never performed before; I thought I was going collapse but soon as I started I felt great. Now I don’t really have a fear of performing, I think it’s great. I’ve finished the first year of college with a double merit which is good. I also joined a band; we’re called Memories of Shadows and play original hard rock. We just had our first gig, opening for a couple of bands at the 02 Academy in Birmingham, which was an incredible experience. It went really well for our first gig together; I felt no pressure and didn’t feel ill. I was living my dream and my heart had no problems with it. We’ve got a few more gigs coming up and I’m really looking forward to them."

Click here to read it in full.

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