Friday 12 September 2014

Feel Good Friday

A special Feel Good Friday today as one of our young members, Andrew (18, HLHS) has written a brilliant blog post for LHM about what it's like having half a heart. (As part of our Handmade Hearts series, LHM’s young members talk about life with half a heart. To learn more about Handmade Hearts, click here.)
"If there’s one thing that frustrates me about having a handmade heart, above the tiredness, above the fact that I can’t keep up in sports and above all the guinea pig stuff, is when I look at people who have a regular heart and I see them wasting their life away. Life is so short, and whether you have a handmade heart or not, live your life! Don’t waste your time worrying about what people may think or say about you, because every second spent worrying, is time that you can never get back."
Click here to read it in full.

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